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If you are unable to attend, you must cancel your appointment at least 3 hours before the agreed consultation hour. You can do this by calling the number 09 369 05 41 



Recently we have been experiencing more and more problems with patients not showing up for their appointments and/or arriving late. As a result, we are unfortunately forced to adjust our policy. If you are unable to attend and have not notified us in time, you may now be charged for a consultation. 



Please also note that we must read your identity card for each appointment, which is why we ask you to be in the waiting room at least 5 minutes in advance.​

Hanne Blindeman: KBO 0707.746.147

Helena Coppé: KBO 0701.712.351

Charlotte Ghyselen: KBO 0778.878.722

Thomas Vandekerckhove: KBO 0724707487


Supervisory authority: Order of physicians, located at Jamblinne de Meuxplein 34-35 in 1030 Brussels. 


Code of conduct: Code of medical deontology:

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